Add product tag product image and product gallery images.
If you would like to a new image, you can upload the image,select upload files and drag the image to the window.
The PRODUCT IMAGE link is to set the main image of the product. Clicking on this link will take you to the image library from where you can select an image that was previously uploaded to the system.
After you upload the image,the image will be selected and you can fill in the details of the image like: Alt Text, Title, Caption and description.
After setting the above click on the SET PRODUCT IMAGE button
When setting product gallery images, you can select more than one by keeping the control button depressed while selecting the images.
Step 9
Please do not forget to PUBLISH your product after you have completed the above steps.
To edit a product you can select the product from the products list and change the details after which please remember to UPDATE the product. The publish button will change to UPDATE when you edit a product.